Why is exploring your birth chart so helpful?
The natal chart, also known as the birth chart, is a map of the sky the moment you were born. The Sun, the Moon, the planets, and different significant astrological points were all in specific places at the time and location of your birth.
Everyone's natal chart is unique and the placements of these planets have meaning for your entire life. The natal chart is like a map or a blueprint of the different themes and energies that want to be expressed through you in different areas of your life. The natal chart is a practical tool that helps us feel seen and understood. It can serve as a ballast or touchstone to return to for support when exploring different emerging themes in your life.
A holistic reading of the natal chart is a tool for navigating that intricate and beautiful map. Working with an astrologer allows for you to "zoom in and out" to view your birth chart as a comprehensive and integrated whole with many different dynamic and relational planetary aspects.
Exploring the natal chart in this way can help you best orient to the topography and varied landscapes of your chart. Astrologers can synthesize the information, answer questions you have, and provide support and guidance on how to work with the your chart's planetary energies in your day-to-day life.
About Your Consultation
What should I expect for my consultation?
Natal chart reading consultations are 90-minutes and are live with me through Zoom.
**Important: Please book your natal chart reading at least 2 weeks out from the date when you submit your birth chart information and payment. This allows me the proper time to pull together a comprehensive birth chart reading for you.**
Once you book a consultation through Calendly, you will receive a follow up email with your Zoom link for the session.
I recommend bringing a journal/notebook and pen to take any notes during the session. You will also receive the full-length Zoom recording after our session.
How do I schedule my consultation?
Upon purchasing a natal chart reading consultation through check-out, you'll receive further instructions on selecting a time for your session through Calendly.
Can I purchase a natal chart reading more than once?
Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of more than one reading and are quite curious about interpreting your personal astrology, check out the bundles I offer and we can deep dive on specific areas and questions you have about your natal chart.